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Capri Short Tunic Dress in Shalimar Turquoise on Mint JulepRobe tunique courte Capri en Shalimar Turquoise sur Mint Julep
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Robe tunique courte Capri en Shalimar Turquoise sur Mint Julep 68 reviews Prix de vente$298 USD


Available in 6 colors
Celeste Reversible Belt in Brilliant Azure Embellished in Gold and Semiprecious Stones-closeup of hand embellishmentCeleste Reversible Belt in Brilliant Blue Embellished in Gold and Semiprecious Stones-worn with tunic
Detail of the Circe Reversible Sash Belt showcasing its two colors -azul and robin egg blue- and hand embellished jewelsCirce Reversible Blue Sash Belt Embellished with Crystals and Gold worn with the Alexandra Long Full Skirt in Porcelain Regency Ribbons
Ceinture réversible bleue Circé ornée de cristaux et d'or 4 reviews Prix de vente$78 USD

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Circe Reversible Sash Belt in Sunset Lavender and Ambrosia GreenCirce Reversible Sash Belt in Sunset Lavender and Ambrosia Green closeup view
Ceinture réversible Circe en lavande coucher de soleil et vert ambrosia 3 reviews Prix de vente$78 USD

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Jacaranda Tunic in Sunset Lavender and White EmbroideryModel showing the length of Jacaranda Tunic in Sunset Lavender and White Embroidery
A torso closeup showing the Maharani Tunicin Blush Pink and Gold Filigree EmbroideryCloseup of exquisite craftsmanship in the embroidery of a gold filiree pattern
Tunique Maharani en rose blush brodée en filigrane doré 95 reviews Prix de vente$198 USD


Available in 3 colors
Nicobar Tunic in Jungle Green IkatModel standing to show the length of the Nicobar Tunic in Jungle Green Ikat
Tunique Nicobar en Ikat Vert Jungle 150 reviews Prix de vente$198 USD


Portrait of a woman wearing the Shalimar Tunic in Blue and White and Sapphire Crystal EmbellishmentTunique Shalimar en bleu et blanc et embellissement de cristal saphir
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Tunique Shalimar en bleu et blanc et embellissement de cristal saphir 101 reviews Prix de vente$255 USD


Available in 2 colors